Hospitals & Asylums    

The Inter-Parliamentary Union HA-22-8-05

1. The IPU is the international organization of Parliaments of sovereign States (Article 1 of the Statutes of the Inter-Parliamenary Union). It was established in 1889 on the initiative of two parliamentarians and men of peace, William Randal Cremer (United Kingdom) and Frédéric Passy (France), the Inter-Parliamentary Union was the first permanent forum for political multilateral negotiations. This was one year after June 1888 when the American Senate adopted the proposal of its Committee on Foreign Relations.

2. Neither the United States of America nor the Republic of Iraq are registered members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.  There is no immediately apparent explanation for this.  It is quite possible that the Governing Council considers the USA and Iraq to be derelict in their work for peace and cooperation among peoples and for the firm establishment of representative institutions by  

(a) Fostering contacts, coordination and the exchange of experience among Parliaments and parliamentarians of all countries;

(b) Considering questions of international interest and express its views on such issues with the aim of bringing about action by Parliaments and their members;

(c) Contributing to the defense and promotion of human rights, which are universal in scope and respect for which is an essential factor of parliamentary democracy and development;

(d) Contributing to better knowledge of the working of representative institutions and to the strengthening and development of their means of action;

3. The Union, which shares the objectives of the United Nations, supports its efforts and works in close cooperation with it. It also co-operates with the regional inter-parliamentary organizations, as well as with international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which are motivated by the same ideals.  It would clearly be in the best interest of the bicameral US legislature to join the Inter-Parliamentary Union whose Headquarters are at Geneva, Switzerland.

4. Every Parliament constituted in conformity with the laws of a sovereign State whose population it represents and on whose territory it functions may request affiliation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union. A National Group representing any such Parliament and which is already affiliated at the time of the approval of this Article may choose to remain a Member of the Union. In a federal State, only the federal Parliament may request to be a Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Every Member of the Union shall adhere to the principles of the Union and comply with its Statutes.

5. The decision to admit or readmit a Parliament shall be taken by the Governing Council, to which requests for affiliation or re-affiliation are communicated by the Secretary General. The Governing Council takes its decision on prior advice given by the Executive Committee, which shall consider whether the conditions mentioned in Article 3 are fulfilled, and report thereon.

6. When a Member of the Union has ceased to function as such or is three years in arrears in the payment of its contributions to the Union, the Executive Committee shall consider the situation and express an opinion to the Governing Council. The Governing Council takes a decision on the suspension of the affiliation of that Member to the Union.

7. Each Member and each Associate Member of the Union shall make an annual contribution to the expenses of the Union in accordance with a scale approved by the Governing Council (cf. Financial Regs., Rule 5).

8. It is hoped that both the Houses of the United States of America and the National Assembly of the Republic of Iraq will take this opportunity to join the Inter-Parliamentary Union and uphold its principles of peace and co-operation in the future.  For the purpose of the sliding scale of membership contributions it is requested that the IPU take into consideration that the real GDP of the USA is only $6.4 Trillion rather than the $11.1 trillion the Office of Management and Budget, CIA World Fact Book and indeed Hospitals & Asylums, who did not make this discovery public until this month of August 2005, declare.  It is hoped that the IPU will help the USA and Iraq in the formation of sound legislative policies that foster peace, democracy and co-operation.

9. If the Governing Council wishes to make their principles of peace and co-operation clear to their war like brothers and sisters in the USA and Iraq, whom they do not wish to be intimidated by, they may choose to require that the USA amend Title 22 of the US Code Foreign Relations and Intercourse (A-FRaI-D) to read just “Foreign Relations (FR-EE)” and for the Iraqi National Council (INC) to publish their English Draft Permanent Constitution, before granting them membership to the IPU.

Certificate of Service Tony Sanders this 22nd Day of August 2005 at  in behalf of US Senator Jo Biden at of the Foreign Relations Committee and President Pro Tempore of the Hospitals & Asylums Senate and King Sharif Husseini who we hope to see in the Iraqi Constitution of the National Council Committee headed by Hummam Hammoudi at

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