Hospitals & Asylums    


Moratorium on the Death Penalty HA-1000


Dear Rev. Frank Carpenter and Faithful:


I have been studying in the African American college of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and lost all faith in the flesh of Mr. Miller and demand that he not be killed and that we enter a new era where it is a penal offense to take the life of another.  I have undertaken my first theological work in drafting the Constitution of Hospitals & Asylums Non Government Executive that begins:


We now establish an independent, non governmental organization, to draft an enlightened rule of law that upholds internationally recognized human rights, for future generations.


Hospitals & Asylums (HA) traces its history to the Naval Hospital Act of Feb. 26, 1811.  The codification of the law that created HA Title 24, from whence the spirit of the new law is derived, was the work of Hon. Edward C. Little who died on June 24, 1924, shortly before the permanent laws of the United States of America entered into force on Dec. 7, 1925. 


Our purpose is to make America and the world a society that will grow and flourish with faith that equal rights, health, justice, freedom, peace and laughter bring long life, prosperity and happiness to all.


Our principles dictate Nonviolence is a fundamental way of life in all dealings with all people that rejects all forms of hatred, bigotry and prejudice. 


We value unconditional, universal love, truthfulness, courage and compassion that dedicate us to the creation of a community where all people can live together as sisters and brothers.


Educated that to win friendship and understanding with which to defeat injustice we have no recourse but to choose love instead of hate.


Social change may be catalyzed through the disciplined process of information gathering, education, personal commitment, negotiations, direct action and reconciliation.


Leadership is a responsibility for those willing to serve the public for free and a right for those who do so peacefully.


Executives are editors who render final judgment in regards to disclosure of information.


Asylum is a friendly process whereby persecuted people, who are not criminals against humanity, are defended against prosecution, that is.


Democracy is the fundamental right of the individual to think for Society.


Society in turn elects the wisest counsel to lead, with utmost consideration for the poor.


I would like to analyze the sentence “Educated that to win friendship and understanding with which to defeat injustice we have no recourse but to choose love instead of hate” in light of the rudeness with which I treated Howard Tolley, a respected member of the church and former teacher of mine, when I missed his torture lecture and my subscription to the Reported was temporarily discontinued due to my lack of faith in the flesh.  I was very busy that month working on my Public Health Department (PHD).  Although I attempted to be a lawyer and offered to publish the transcript he lost his temper. I asked him if he could get my friends out of prison? And he said, “I’m not your friend” and walked away.  I don’t believe I have been back to the church since. 


I would like to now question the sentence “We value unconditional, universal love, truthfulness, courage and compassion that dedicate us to the creation of a community where all people can live together as sisters and brothers.” The Natalee Holloway v. Clifford M. Sobel HA-30-6-05 was so terrifying that I did not unravel until the 22nd of this month of November and was so disturbing that I censured Howard Tolley from my email list along with the University of Cincinnati and the United Nations University.  I must now do the same for Nina Tolley but cannot find the heart to censure the Church that has been nothing but kind to me.  They are however Members and I but a friend so I intend to return to the Jewish faith of my mother.


If it is acceptable to all of you I will continue to send you my quarterly journal and offer three options,


(1) Unsubscibe now, (2) Subscribe to the much shorter monthly (3) be the first purchaser of a $24 Hospitals & Asylums Membership


Nina and Howard Tolley will however need to re-subscribe.


The Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty

Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 44/128 of 15 December 1989

status of ratifications
declarations and reservations

The States Parties to the present Protocol,

Believing that abolition of the death penalty contributes to enhancement of human dignity and progressive development of human rights,


Recalling article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, and article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on 16 December 1966,


Noting that article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights refers to abolition of the death penalty in terms that strongly suggest that abolition is desirable,


Convinced that all measures of abolition of the death penalty should be considered as progress in the enjoyment of the right to life,


Desirous to undertake hereby an international commitment to abolish the death penalty,


Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

1. No one within the jurisdiction of a State Party to the present Protocol shall be executed.


2. Each State Party shall take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty within its jurisdiction.


I hope that all of you will help the International Court of Justice and American Bar Association who wrote today to jail the Ohio Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General for 18 days, 6 days a piece to establish precedence Freeze Executions Nationally at 1,000.  The Governor and Lieutenant Governor will be replaced by peaceful legislators and the Attorney General will get to keep his job if only he would accept Alonzo Johnson’s $750 million judgment against the budget of the Ohio Department of Corrections that we hope to exchange for a supervised release in US District Court case 05-CV695 as soon as possible .


So as not to have the last word I now wish to sentence Howard Tolley to involuntary servitude on three counts:


1. Return my International Human Rights book, that was stolen, to my mailbox, if this is possible.


2. Disclose to me any information he has regarding the US Ambassador to the Netherlands for service upon the International Court of Justice


3. To please free Professor Michael Luebbe from prison and restore me my alma mater.


4. Enforce this Moratorium on the Death Penalty.


It is left to Rev. Dr. Frank Carpenter and Ms. Tolley to hold Mr. Tolley responsible for as much of this work as he can do.


Let us end this fight to the death and make peace with freedom across the USA and around the world   


Anthony J. Sanders

Hospitals & Asylums