Hospitals & Asylums 






Contempt Proceeding of Dr. Samoss-Sanders HA-13-1-11


Text: In the Matter of the Marriage of Rivka Samoss and Martin Bodzin HA-1-1-11


By Anthony J. Sanders


The state medical board shall keep a record of its proceedings. It shall also keep a register of applicants for certificates of registration and certificates to practice it issues. Ohio Revised Code 4731.07

Use of Name under Oregon Revised Statute 677.265 requires;

(1) Each licensee of the Board shall be licensed, certified, or registered under licensee's legal name and shall practice under that legal name.

(2) When a name is changed, all of the following must be submitted so that the Board's records may reflect the new name:

(a) A signed change of name notification affidavit provided by this Board;

(b) A copy of the legal document showing the name change;

(c) The returned original Oregon license and license card, or engrossed certificate whichever is applicable.

Effective Date: 08-10-2000; 2008 SB229 09-11-2008

In re: 1) $1,000 to each of two children pursuant to the will of Willis Samoss; 2) changing name of Ohio and Oregon medical license from Rivka A. Sanders to Rivka A. Samoss, MD so that she can practice under her Maiden name at Community Health Center (CHC); 3) $1,000 per annum from January 1, 2011 immediately in behalf of the Scelza Family Septic Society.


January 13, 2011

Dear Rivka Ann Samoss, MD:

The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name (Deuteronomy 5:11)(Exodus 20:7)

Happy 100th spoiled birthday.  I regret to inform you, as of January 1st 2011 the Matter of the Marriage Between Rivka A. Samoss and Martin Bodzin has formally fallen into contempt at a rate of $1,000 per annum from Ms. Samoss to her two children, us, beginning with the $1,000 each bequested in her father, Willis Samoss, our grandfather's will, as we are most anxious to neutrally command a permanent end to the illegitimate and unmarriagable curse of the adulterous Jewish Agunah: Chained Wife (Exodus 20:5-6 & 14) (Deuteronomy 5:9-10 & 18) . 

The metronidazole, that I paid Express for, has not even been given a USPS Tracking number yet.  Without your honor the theoretical best antibiotic for acute to moderate Crohn's Disease will remain exclusively in the memories of only canine Americans.  We shall therefore have to find solace that the Diptheria, Pertussis and Tobacco vaccine theory, contained herein, pursuant to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program under 42USC(6A)XIX(2)(A)§300aa-10 is far and away her most precious birthday gift this year.

The contempt proceeding is attached as a formality to this informal lobbying disclosure between the Honorable Senator Bernie Sanders and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to promote positive behavior on the part of my mother whose age, on her birthday, remains a mystery and also for the swift securitization of the Scelza Family Septic Society dedicated to the replacement of a septic tank on their property that poses a potential falling hazard to their toddler and hyperuremic guests.

To do Dr. Samoss-Sanders justice I would like to prove to the Medical Boards of Ohio and Oregon that Dr. Sanders is not herself when she practices by that name to such an extent she must wait until her son researches the subject to prescribe affordable generic metronidazole for occasional relapses of Crohn's.  To be pure and holy and fulfill the Hippocratic Oath to the full potential of 21st century medicine, 14 years after divorcing her first and only tolerable love story, she needs to use her Maiden name (or pseudonym) as the Virgin Mary (Mathew 1:19) or Mother Theresa.

Becky Benenate, Joseph Durepos, and Thomas Moore wrote in Mother Teresa: No Greater Love published by Walker and Company in New York in 1997, God loves us (pg. 25)  If we want to conquer the world, we will not be able to do it with bombs or with other weapons of destruction.  Let us conquer the world with our love.  Peace and war start within one’s own home.  If we really want peace for the world, let us start by loving one another within our families (pg. 26).  We must love those who are nearest to us, in our own family.  From there, love spreads toward whoever may need us.  It is easy to love those who live far away.  It is not always easy to love those who live right next to us.  True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy.  That is why we must pray to God and ask Him to give us the courage to love (pg. 27).


To do Jill Burkoff, Consumer Safety Officer, Consumer Affairs Branch, Division of Communication and Consumer Affairs, Office of Communication, Outreach and Development, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration ( justice, having ommitted citation in the summary of Thanksgiving - Christmas 2010, I must not only disclose our correspondence but painstakingly verify the expiration dates of diversified DPT vaccines from the resource Jill sent. 


I find the time is ripe to do this work of a few minutes because I have an unconfirmed theory that Dr. Samoss-Sanders, whose birthday it is, and her staff have been exposed to an adulterated "Diptheria, Pertussis and Tobacco (DPT)" vaccine and the seeds of biological product liability settlements grow in civilian fields of penicillin and she has a duty to refrain from all association with military medical research and products whereas the Dayton Peace Accords of 1996 have fallen into disrepute and torture and biological experimentation, is classified as a war crime under the Rome Statute.


From: [] On Behalf Of Tony Sanders Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 3:26 PM To: OC Webmail; CTP EXECSEC; AskCTP; TobaccoIndustryQuestions; CDER DRUG INFO; Subject: Diptheria, Pertussis and Tobacco (DPT) vaccination theory


Dear FDA:

I would like to introduce to you a theory as to why the flagrantly genocidal anti-tobacco campaign has been so successful in the past few years.  This theory was concocted at a doctor's office where the receptionist was violently coughing in a very similar fashion to the physician I know who works there when she smells tobacco smoke.  Both attributed their cough to tobacco smoke when confronted about the possibility they had pertussis.  Both were vaccinated against pertussis with the DPT or DpT and are sure that it is (non-infectious) smoker's cough.

In recent years the DPT vaccination has undergone several modifications and the vaccine has diversified.  This has caused problems because people are now unsure of the expiration date.  I would like to suggest that the DPT vaccine is even more subversive.  As the result of the facts above, as well as the recent bad news that the rate of people dying from COPD has dramatically increased and the overall American life expectancy went down 0.1 years 2007-2008, I would like to commission the FDA to investigate the possibility that the DPT, or other common vaccine, is vaccinating people so that their lungs would be hyper-allergic to tobacco (smoke). 

Please look into this vaccine purity issue.  Health care workers and health nuts who are vaccinated may be unethically, without their informed consent, vaccinated against tobacco, particularly tobacco smoke, so as to have a violent bronchial reaction, uncontrollable coughing.   The motive for such an action is that the anti-smoking lobby is insensitive to the smoker's addiction, their pleasure and possible medicinal qualities such as lung sterilization, human dependence on campfires, health nut avoidance etc. or the legal altruism, "burn the will", and fraudulent in the language of their research and furthermore actively engaged in apartheid, a crime of genocide, to segregate smokers.   I find it so likely that a common vaccine, namely the DPT, has been tampered with to cause a violent reaction against tobacco and insist that the Office of Biologics Research and Review of the FDA look into this issue under 42USC(6A)(XIX)(1)300aa-2(a)(3).

Thank you,

Anthony J. Sanders

PS The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Administration remains delinquent in regards to rolling back the Tobacco Tax of 2009 as demanded at and it is imperative that  the new questionably libertarian tax not be burdened with this fascist weight that inclines one who reviews the numbers to conclude that the tax relief is not grudgingly acceptably libertarian as it is touted, but a regressive fascist tax that enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor, and must be censored because it is fascist.  Furthermore I have not been able to discover more recent tobacco tax revenue information on the Internet than 1970 and this can be construed as a felonious concealment of assets by an extremely bloody money laundry, falsely touted as the deadliest industry in the world, by violent reactionaries who have theoretically enlisted major segments of the populace who would otherwise not be inclined to persecute smokers because they have been unethically vaccinated to violently react against the smell of tobacco smoke.

PPS The FDA might also want to look into the providing tobacconists with mullein and other medicinal smoke able herbs so there is an alternative to tobacco, like there is tea for those days when coffee is unhealthy. Datura stramonium (Jimson weed), as well as D. metel and D. fastuosa can be smoked for the relief of asthma.  Verbascum Thapsus (mullein)



I theorize that the Japanese live longer because they are not persecuting smokers, eat healthy diets, only owe the hospital $5 a night and hide their bed every day.  Below are relevant notes from:


Lewis, Walter H. Elvin-Lewis, Memory P.F. Medical Botany: Plants Affecting Man’s Health. John Wiley & Sons. New York. 1977


The carcinogenic potential of tobacco was first reported by Sir John Hill, a physician and botanist who in  Tobacco and Cancer: the First Clinical Report, 1761 associated the excessive use of snuff from Nicotiana tabacum with the appearance of fatal malignant polyps of the nose.  122  Later, in 1775, Percival Pott linked scrotal skin cancer or “soot warts” to a combination of work done by English chimney sweeps and their infrequent bathing habits.  Skin cancers were later associated with the medicinal application f coals tar and creosote preparations.  Alkylating agents, also used in the treatment of cancer in their final form, are nearly always carcinogenic in laboratory animals. 116-117


There are a number carcinogenic (oncogenic) natural products.  Rue contaminated with Claviceps purpurea (ergot).  Hepatotoxic and hepatomalignant substances were first linked to Penicillium islandicum, P. ruburm, Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus, Agaricus bisporus,  Crude cycad meal, containing cycasin, results in hepatic, renal and occasionallyl, intestinal neoplasms.  If the animal’s bacterial flora is able to convert the metabolites of cyasin, the rate of tumor development will reach almost 100%.   Species that contain seeds with carcinogenic agents are Cycas circinalis (cycasin, from Guam and tropical Africa), C. revolute (cycasin and neocycasin, from Java) and the widely cultivated Encephalartos barkeri (macrozamin, from Africa), and Macrozamia spiralis (macroszamin, from Australia).  118 Tannin, found in high quantities in mahogany and redwood, and to a lesser extent in some teas, have been associated with neoplasms, but they are rendered insoluble by milk, for the casein of milk fixes the tannin and prevents its action on the mucous membrane of the mouth. 120


Chewing quids, in southern Asia betel, which includes the seed of Areca catechu, leaf of the pepper, lime and various additions of tobacco and spices; in Iran and in the south central soviet Republic it is nass, which consists of tobacco, wood ash, lime, water and oil of cottonseed or sesame; and in Andean South America it is coca, which is the leaf of Erythroxylum coca (the course and main ingredient of cocaine) and lime.  Lime additives appear to release the alkaloids, thus hastening the physiological effects by damaging the oral mucous membrane.  Lime may also facilitate carcinogenesis in other ways. Chewing tobacco in the United States is associated with both oral carcinoma and leukoplakia.  The tumor appears at the site where the quid is held.  Thirteen carcinogenic hydrocarbons residing in the “tar” fractions have been isolated from tobacco or smoke condensate.  The presence of nitrosamines in smoke and of free radicals in cigarette tars may be very important, for removing a concentrate of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from smoke condensate resulted in about 50% reduction in tumorogenic activity of mouse skin. 121


The risk of heart attack is four times greater to a man in his fifties than to one in his thirties, and greatest among men in the 50 to 60 year age group.  An important difference in the sexes exists, the disease is very rare in women before menopause, although after menopause the incidence is just as great as for men.  This near immunity is unexplained, but it is thought to be related in some way to the protection afforded by estrogenic secretions, which inhibit the formation of atheromas.   179


The death rate from heart disease is 300% higher in cigarette smokers than in non-smokers in the United States.  Curiously, the effects of cigarette smoking are equivocal: the practice is not related statistically to heart disease among, for example, Japanese men who smoke heavily.  Reasons for an increased risk include lowered ability of the lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, toxicity form nicotine (which makes the heart beat faster and causes small arteries to narrow thereby increasing blood pressure and the work load on the heart). Obesity (10-20%) above ideal weight adds to the work load of the heart and is to be avoided.  Lack of regular daily exercise is a factor in coronary disease.  Men engaging in heavy physical work seem to have a significantly lower death rate from coronary disease than more sedentary job holders.  Food of high fat and sugar content should be avoided.  Cholesterol comes from eating food of animal origin, when ingested in the form of fat, this substance is absorbed form the intestinal tract, converted in the liver, and added to the total amount of cholesterol already circulating in the serum.  When the amount of cholesterol becomes high, arteries begin to show an increase in fatty deposits.  A healthy can tolerate 6 ounces of liquor over a one hour period, but more than this amount rapidly weakens muscle contraction and can lead to alcoholic myocarditis.  The risk of developing myocardial infarction is about twice as great for heavy coffee drinkers as it is for individuals who drink no coffee at all.  Elevated blood pressure, stress may increase serum cholesterol thereby causing atherosclerosis.  The use of oral contraceptives involves an increased risk of clotting disorders, increases hypertension and thrombotic strokes and sharply increases the risk of stroke when cigarette smoking is also practiced.  Excessive licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) ingestion for example an lead to cardiac dysfunction and severe hypertension.  Vitamin E deficiency is also implicated in heart disease, and homogenized milk may be involved in atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disease.  “Everything I enjoy in life” runs the ancient lament, “is either illegal, immoral or fattening”.  181-182


The cardinal risk factors for coronary disease in the United States are hypercholesterolemia, hypertenstion, and cigarette smoking, especially when these factors are present in combination.  Modified nutritional habits of high-risk American men, substituting diets moderate in calories, total fat, and carbohydrate, low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and simple sugars reduced heart disease mortality by about one-half and the sudden death rate was only one-fourth as great, and total mortality was lower by 40%.  In a study of coronary heart disease in seven countries only the concentration of cholesterol in the blood proved to be the outstanding risk factor within and between national groups.  As these data indicate, Japanese men have the lowest incidence of coronary heart disease of any industrialized nation, they smoke heavily and they have high blood pressure, but they eat a low cholesterol diet.  182-183


Datura stramonium (Jimson weed), as well as D. metel and D. fastuosa can be smoked for the relief of asthma.  Verbascum Thapsus (mullein) can also be smoked for pulmonary ailments.  297


fromCBER OCOD Consumer Account <>to"" dateTue, Dec 21, 2010 at 8:51 AM subject RE: 3409: Diptheria, Pertussis and Tobacco (DPT) vaccination theory


Dear Mr. Sanders:


Thank you for your inquiry to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).  CBER, one of seven centers within FDA, is responsible for the regulation of biologically-derived products, including blood intended for transfusion, blood components and derivatives, vaccines and allergenic extracts, and cell, tissue and gene therapy products.  We hope the following information will be helpful.


Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of vaccines is one of FDA’s top priorities.  Vaccines, like all biologic products regulated by FDA, undergo a rigorous review of the laboratory, clinical and manufacturing information submitted by the product sponsor to help ensure the safety, purity, and potency of these products.


Vaccines approved for marketing may also be required to undergo additional studies to further evaluate the vaccine and often to address specific questions about the vaccine's safety, effectiveness, and possible side effects.  Most of the safety data can be found in the vaccine package insert. Vaccine package inserts are available on CBER's website at  The package insert contains information on the vaccine, including vaccine ingredients, data from clinical trials and possible adverse events.


In the U.S., vaccines have reduced or eliminated many infectious diseases that once routinely killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults.  However, the viruses and bacteria that cause vaccine-preventable disease and death still exist and can be passed on to people who are not protected by vaccines.  Vaccine-preventable diseases have many social and economic costs: sick children miss school and can cause parents to lose time from work.  These diseases also result in doctor's visits, hospitalizations, and even premature deaths.


Vaccine clinical development follows the same general pathway as for drugs and other biologics.  A sponsor who wishes to begin clinical trials with a vaccine must submit an Investigational New Drug application (IND) to FDA.  The IND describes the vaccine, its method of manufacture, and quality control tests for release.  Also included is information about the vaccine's safety and ability to elicit a protective immune response (immunogenicity) in animal testing, as well as the proposed clinical protocol for studies in humans.


If the data generated by the clinical studies demonstrate that the product is safe and effective for its intended use and the company feels that their product, in this case vaccine, would warrant licensure they may submit a Biologics License Application (BLA) for a biologic containing all of the data from the pre-clinical and clinical trials, as well as the appropriate establishment information pertaining to the manufacture of the product.


Detailed information regarding the vaccine approval process is available on CBER's website at


You may also find the following web links helpful: and

Additionally, there are related links from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention you may find informative:

We will be unable to address your concerns about the Tobacco Tax of 2009, as FDA has no jurisdiction over that Act.  In addition, as a regulatory agency, FDA does not “provide” products such as herbs, drugs, foods, or biologics to consumers.  FDA regulates manufacturers of products covered under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act. 

Again, we hope this information has been helpful. 




Jill Burkoff


Consumer Safety Officer

Consumer Affairs Branch

Division of Communication and Consumer Affairs

Office of Communication, Outreach and Development

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research

US Food and Drug Administration


This communication is consistent with 21 CFR 10.85 (k) and constitutes an informal communication that represents my best judgment at this time but does not constitute an advisory opinion, does not necessarily represent the formal position of FDA, and does not bind or otherwise obligate or commit the agency to the views expressed.


In the U.S., vaccines have reduced or eliminated many infectious diseases that once routinely killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults. The following vaccinations are recommended by age two and can be given over five visits to a doctor or clinic:

Corynebacterium diphtheriae cultures are grown in a modified Mueller and Miller medium.1 Clostridium tetani cultures are grown in a peptone-based medium containing a bovine extract.Both toxins are detoxified with formaldehyde. The detoxified materials are then separately purified by serial ammonium sulfate fractionation and diafiltration. The acellular pertussis vaccine components are isolated from culture fluids of Phase 1 Bordetella pertussis grown in a modified Stainer-Scholte medium.2 After purification by salt precipitation, ultracentrifugation, and ultrafiltration, preparations containing varying amounts of both pertussis toxin (PT) and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) are combined to obtain a 1:1 ratio and treated with formaldehyde to inactivate PT. The diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are adsorbed using aluminum potassium sulfate (alum). The adsorbed toxoids are combined with acellular pertussis concentrate, and diluted to a final volume using sterile phosphate-buffered physiological saline.

To following DPT and DTaP vaccine are listed as Approved Products by the Division of Communication and Consumer Affairs, Office of Communication, Outreach and Development Food and Drug Administration.

Prior to the widespread use of diphtheria toxoid in the late 1940s, diphtheria disease was common in the US. More than 200,000 cases, primarily among children, were reported in 1921. Approximately 5% to 10% of cases were fatal; the highest case-fatality rates were in the very young and the elderly.

Following routine use of tetanus toxoid in the US, the occurrence of tetanus disease decreased dramatically from 560 reported cases in 1947, to an average of 50-100 cases reported annually from the mid 1970s through the late 1990s, to 35 cases in 2000.

Pertussis is highly communicable (with attack rates of up to 100% in susceptible individuals with intense exposure13) and can cause severe disease, particularly among young infants. Since pertussis became a nationally reportable disease in the US in 1922, the highest number of pertussis cases (approximately 260,000) was reported in 1934. Following introduction and widespread use of the whole-cell pertussis DTP vaccines (Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed – For Pediatric Use) among infants and children in the mid to late 1940s, pertussis incidence gradually declined, reaching a historical low of 1,010 cases in 1976.

Concerns about the safety of whole-cell pertussis DTP vaccines prompted the development of less reactogenic DTaP vaccines that contain purified antigens of B pertussis. DTaP vaccines were first available for use in infants in the US in 1996 and have been routinely recommended for all doses of the vaccination series for infants and children 6 weeks to <7 years of age since 1997.

During 1997 to 2000, a total of 29,134 cases were reported, for an estimated average annual incidence rate of 2.7 per 100,000 population.  Among 29,048 cases for whom age was known, 29% were aged <1 year, 12% were aged 1 to 4 years, 10% were aged 5 to 9 years, 29% were aged 10 to 19 years and 20% were ≥20 years of age.14 Average annual incidence rates during 1997 to 2000 were highest among infants aged <1 year (55.5 cases per 100,000 population) and lower in children aged 1 to 4 years (5.5), children aged 5 to 9 years (3.6), persons aged 10 to 19 years (5.5) and persons aged ≥20 years (0.8).

Polio virus causes acute paralysis that can lead to permanent physical disability and even death. Before polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported each year in the United States. A single dose of Polio Vaccine produces immunity to all three vaccine viruses in about 50% of recipients. Three doses produce immunity to all 3 poliovirus types in more than 95% of recipients. 

Before Hib vaccine became available, Hib was the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in U.S. infants and children. Before the vaccine was developed, there were approximately 20,000 invasive Hib cases annually. Approximately two-thirds of the 20,000 cases were meningitis, and one-third were other life-threatening invasive Hib diseases such as bacteria in the blood, pneumonia, or inflammation of the epiglottis. About one of every 200 U.S. children under 5 years of age got an invasive Hib disease. Hib meningitis once killed 600 children each year and left many survivors with deafness, seizures, or mental retardation. Since introduction of conjugate Hib vaccine in December 1987, the incidence of Hib has declined by 98 percent. From 1994-1998, fewer than 10 fatal cases of invasive Hib disease were reported each year.

Epinephrine hydrochloride solution (1:1,000) and other appropriate agents and equipment are prescribed for immediate use in case an anaphylactic or acute hypersensitivity reaction, such as smoker's cough, occurs.

For service by Rivka Samoss-Sanders MD, without bill of divorce attached above, upon the Oregon and Ohio Medical Licensing Boards, to ensure she practices medicine and lives under her Maiden name, Rivka Ann Samoss, for the rest of her eternal life.


Advisory Opinions 21 CFR 10.85
Benenate, Becky; Durepos, Joseph; Moore, Thomas.
Mother Teresa: No Greater Love. Walker and Company. New York.  1997
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
National Vaccine Program.
CDC. 10 Things You Need to Know About Immunizations 
CDC. What Would Happen if We Stopped Vaccination?
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).Vaccine Product Approval Process. June 18, 2009
FDA. Vaccines Guidance. 
FDA. Vaccines Research. 
Holy Bible. New International Version. International Bible Society. Colorado Springs. 1984
Lewis, Walter H. Elvin-Lewis, Memory P.F. Medical Botany: Plants Affecting Man’s Health. John Wiley & Sons. New York. 1977

National Vaccine Advisory Committee. "United States Vaccine Research: A Delicate Fabric of Public and Private Collaboration." Pediatrics, Vol 100(6), Dec.1997, pp. 1015-1020.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program 42USC(6A)XIX(2)(A)§300aa-10
National Vaccine Program 42USC(6A)IIIA§283d
Parkman PD, Hardegree MC. "Regulation and Testing of Vaccines." In Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA, [eds.]. Vaccines, 3d ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1999, pp.1131-1143.

Sanders, Tony J. Correspondence with the FDA: Thanksgiving - Christmas Eve 2010. Hospitals & Asylums

Sanders, Tony J. Metronidazole Course Monograph for Rx to OTC Sponsors. Hospitals & Asylum. HA-3-1-11

Sanders, Tony J. Rolling back the Tobacco Tax of 2009. Hospitals & Asylums. HA-10-10-10
Stehlin, Isadora.
"How FDA Works to Ensure Vaccine Safety." FDA Consumer Magazine, March 1996.