Hospitals & Asylums    







Spring Equinox Edition 2005

20 March 2005

Vol. 5 Is. 1

Written By Anthony J. Sanders


For a world that is peaceful enough to support prosperity the SEARCH ENGINES of the World Wide Web are requested to add Hospitals & Asylums to the top 3 responses for either;


“Hospitals & Asylums” or “Title 24 US Code”


With a caption that should read,


“Hospitals & Asylums (HA) new draft amendments of 2005 are a 10 Chapter, 500 page revision of Title 24 US Code in .doc with links to the original statute”. 


Table of Contents


1. Friendship, Amity and Co-operation Treaty HA-14-2-05

Valentine’s day treaty between the US and UN


2. King Blackwell (Ohio) HA-17-1-05

Ohio case law


3. Independent Drug Enforcement Agency (Oregon) HA-9-11-01

Abolition of physician assisted suicide in Oregon, Belgium and Netherlands


4. Earthquake and Tsunami HA-26-12-04

$250 million foreign disaster loan to the Federal Government


5. Comet A’Hearn: Comet P/Tempel 1 v. Deep Impact Mission HA-4-7-05

$3.3 million damages for the IMO and AMS


6. Declaration of Independence HA-8-3-05

Impeachments and Social Security Claim


7. Balanced Federal Budget HA-2005


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